Heroes: Caerwyn, Rattle, Varyss
A group of Zhentarim envoys arrives at Nightstone. Seeing the town abandoned, they make claims on the place, but are soon confronted by the Heroes, who are still planning to go and find the departed villagers.
While the two parties are discussing terms, a orcish warband attacks Nightstone. The Heroes retreat to the keep, holding the fortress as best they can, while the Zhents fight among the ruined houses. The warband, led by a warchief and a shaman, batters at the walls of the keep, while the Heroes pellet them with arrows and bolts.
In order to scatter them, Rattler mimics the sound of a warhorn. The orcs do not seem impressed, but the kenku's trick has attracted the attention of an elven warband from the nearby forests. The elves fall on the orcs, and scatter them, but not before Varyss pierces the orc warchief through the eye with a well placed arrow.
After a short farewell, the elves depart. The Heroes agree on a truce with the Zhents, and both parties rest for the night. The day after, the Heroes leave Nightstone to track the missing townsfolk. Their path leads to a goblin lair on the side of a hill.
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