Heroes: Caerwyn, Varyss
The Heroes witness the trial of the Watch Captain, where he confesses his crimes and his involvement with the Hand of Yartar, a criminal organization supported by the Zentharim. Harthal is set free, and the Heroes receive the Giantslayer greatsword.
They contact Zephyros to receive further instructions, and he tells them to await the arrival of the frost giant hero Harshnag. While they wait, they find the time to uncover and bring to justice the leadership of the local cells of the Hand of Yartar.
Eventually Harshnag arrives, and guides the Heroes to the Eye of the All-father, an oracle hidden under the icy peaks of the Spine of the World. The Heroes save many weeks of travel by using the Harpers teleportation network.
At the oracle they meet a group of barbarians apparently seeking to despoil the holy place. The Heroes defeat the wildlings, and proceed in their exploration.
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